Port Website



Storyline Partners


Cockburn’s Port Website


2022 / 2023

The Brief

I’ve had the opportunity to work with Storyline Partners on multiple projects, taking on a pivotal role in leading the UI and UX design efforts. One of the notable assignments during my time there involved designing a website for Cockburn's – a prominent brand within the alcoholic beverage industry. Their existing website adhered to a conventional approach, aligning with typical port stereotypes; that it is primarily consumed by an older demographic on special occasions. Consequently, the Cockburn’s site was very similar to that of their main competitors. Our task was to defy established conventions and preconceived notions surrounding port, while simultaneously strengthening the brand's position as the foremost purveyors of reserve port globally.

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The Project

Our response was to create a vibrant and visually captivating website that boldly challenged established conventions, therefore resonating with a broader spectrum of audiences and setting Cockburn’s apart from their competitors. Our primary objective was to curate content that not only captivated and delighted the end user but also fostered a deep sense of brand loyalty. By doing so, we aimed to achieve a positive shift in how the port category is viewed by different audiences. We also had an ambition to cultivate the next generation of port enthusiasts by giving Cockburn's an aspirational and contemporary appeal. A pivotal aspect of this strategy was integrating Cockburn’s social media channels seamlessly into the website architecture, in order to engage a younger demographic and reinforce Cockburn’s relevance within their digital landscape.

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My Role

Competitor analysis

Review and restructuring of IA

Sketching and wireframing

Responsive UI design

Collaboration with multi-discipline team members

Presenting to internal and client stakeholders

Creation of component library, animation guide and additional states for developers

Managing the build process to ensure alignment with the design vision

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